Applying for college early may seem like a good thing. You get in as soon as you can. It sounds good, but in reality there are a few things you should consider. Before you apply to college, it is best to be armed with a little knowledge.
If you are not really qualified for the college of your choice, it really makes no difference when you apply. You most likely will not get in. It is true, however, that if you are just slightly below good qualifications, you may have a better chance by applying early. If you are highly qualified, it really makes no difference when you apply, so long as you meet the deadlines.
If you are looking for financial aid, do not commit early to one college. The more colleges you are accepted to, the better. You can have all your colleges compete with a financial aid package, and you pick the best value for your circumstances.
Some high schoolers are not ready to make decisions early. Do you really know what you want to do as a junior? Your interests may change, especially in your senior year. But don't delay too long. If you know you have a lot of colleges in mind, it can take quite a while to research and apply to all of them. Make the right choice about when to apply.
Remember that when you apply, that's the record you have up to that point. If you are a little bit lacking, this may hurt. You may need a little more time to pump up your GPA, take the right classes, and have more activities and interests on your college resume.
Remember, apply to colleges at the right time!
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