Getting a college degree is more expensive than ever. If you are willing to do a few things different, you can get a four year degree cheaper than you expect.
Community colleges are a great way to go. In most cases, you can do the first two years of any degree, then transfer. The cost of a community college class can be from hundreds to thousands of dollars less. If you are already at a 4-year university, check to see what community college can satisfy some of your general education credits.
Community colleges also offer many certificate and associate degree programs that could lead to a high paying job. From nursing to automotive mechanic. The choices are almost endless. After just 2 years, you can have a degree and a good job.
Many community colleges have agreements with their local 4 year universities. If you graduate from the community college, you get a guaranteed admission. Of course some restrictions may apply. But the cost savings is significant.
For California residents, The Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act was just signed into law. This law will allow any student who completes 60 semester units at any California community college to get admission to a Cal-State university.
The way this new law will work, is that community colleges will create new associate degree programs that parallel the first 2 years of a comparable degree at the Cal-State schools. The student will then be able to do just 60 units more for the degree. This law goes into effect in 2011. Students will not be guaranteed admission to the college of their choice and may need to relocate.
The beauty of a 2 year college, is that most give admission to all adults over 18. No tests.
Don't overlook a junior college. Many 2 year colleges are at the top of their game and have some prestige. If saving money in college is your concern, this is a great way to go!
>>Federal Pell Grants Explained.
>>Get a Nursing Scholarship.