Friday, January 1, 2010

College majors for the future

If you are wondering what to major in, you need to look at what industries or companies will be hiring, and what skills will be needed. Here is a quick look at future jobs for college graduates.

Computer science will still be in high demand, but...
Computer science majors will be in demand. But the future for these jobs lies in security. If you are getting a degree in computer science or computer engineering, get some experience in online security and risk management. Also, financial jobs will also rise, so computer science majors with a little finance can enhance their resumes. Social sites will continue to grow and companies will expand their presence as well. A computer science major should look at those possibilities as well. Marketing will is a skill that computer science majors will need as well. Also in demand will be designing and maintaining web based applications.

Green Jobs
Engineers who can specialize in green and alternative energy will be in demand. This includes wind and solar. Green construction jobs will also grow. Getting the skills to design, build, run, and maintain green projects will be in very high demand.

Medical field still growing and hot
Physical therapists will continue to grow in demand. The emerging field of risk and case management will be huge. If you become a registered nurse and have minors or certificates in those fields, you will be in high demand. Cost and risk containment will be a high priority for hospitals. Another slant is computerized records. Having computer and nursing skills will be much needed.

Financial jobs still exist
Even with the downturn, financial jobs will be in demand. But not all. Risk management is now the new buzz word. Avoiding scams will be high priority. Lessening financial risks is an emerging field as well. Getting a degree in finance or business, and knowing how to manage assets wisely is a big plus.