How can you possibly get into college if you have bad grades? Does that sound like you? Don't panic, there are plenty of options. Grades are indeed one of the factors that are looked at, but you can get around it.
The best way is actually to delay college. Okay, not actually a delay in college, but a delay in applying to the college of your dreams. Go to a two year community college first, rack up good grades, then transfer. Your high school record will almost be a moot point. Some four year universities in the same area have a guaranteed acceptance agreement with some of the junior colleges. Doing some college at a community college helps lower the cost as well.
Another way to get around bad grades, is to just be open about them. In your college admission essay, admit the bad grades. Don't make excuses, but convince them you are a good risk.
Apply to as many colleges as you can and increase the odds that someone will admit you.
Get people who know you to write stellar letters of recommendation. These should include teachers, counselors, employers, even a pastor. The slant should be with your ambition overcoming your grades.
Most high school students start applying in their junior year. If your grades are bad, the chances are slim that you will be chosen. So, go ahead and strive to do A+ work as a senior, then apply. Sure, you might have to take a college that is not at the top of your list, but at least you're in.
So there you have it. Some ways of getting into college with bad grades.
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