Wednesday, August 31, 2016

College Students and Sleep

We would guess that many college students do not get enough sleep. And this might be one reason to do poorly in classes. Remember, you are in college to study, learn, and graduate to a good future. You can sleep all you want AFTER graduation.

You need a plan of attack for sleep. This starts with your daily plan. You need a routine. Each day is probably different, but your bedtime should be the same. Make it a habit to do a daily schedule, and pencil in bedtime. This also means that the time you get up should also be planned, and regular. Going to bed and getting up at the same times will eventually ensure a good night's sleep.

Don't study, read anything important, exercise, or do something that can stimulate you roughly 2 hours before sleep. This again means getting and keeping a schedule.

Eating might be a another problem. You cannot expect to get a great night's sleep if you eat large snacks or meals just before laying down. Forget the coffee and sugar drinks as well. Wind down with some gentle tea or something. Sleeping is all about relaxing, even your stomach.

Don't go to sleep with the TV going, radio, or earphones. if you can, turn your phone off, and don't check it if you wake in the middle of the night. Computer screens should be off. If this is impossible, invest in a cheap blindfold.

With a little planning, sleep can go a long way!

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