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Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Degrees with guaranteed jobs
If you are graduating college, you know the job hunt will be tough. But if you are just starting college and are wondering where the jobs are, look no further. There are a few degrees that will give you a guaranteed job after graduating. In fact, you probably will be sought out and offered more than one job. However, these degrees are math and science oriented. Before you take out huge amounts of student loans, choose your college degree wisely.
Get a degree in pharmacology, and you'll have labs trying to hire you. Coming up with new drugs and lab tests for various diseases will always be growing. Healthcare is still a rising field and pharmacology majors will be at the forefront of the future. The world needs new and improved drugs for combating disease all the time.
Energy majors are also in high demand. No doubt that energy needs of the world will grow. Green energy is still a pipe dream. Fossil fuels will still be around for centuries. Geophysics majors will have multiple offers. Big energy companies cannot even get enough grads from the United States to fill their growing positions. In fact, if you want to live abroad, global energy companies have locations all over.
Yes, both of those college majors above are heavily involved in research. So, it only makes sense that another field, the universe, is also looking for scientists for research. We don't even know a fraction of the universe. Astrophysics or planetary science majors will have plenty of research jobs to peruse through.
If your thing is math, then becoming an actuary is right up your alley. Guaranteed job for sure. Insurance companies hire actuaries to research risks for all types of things. A degree in actuarial science is one hot degree.
There you have it. College majors that will get you not only a guaranteed job, but a high paying one. And those jobs are high in job satisfaction.
Choose your college major wisely!
>>Find a job after graduating.
>>Job interview tips.
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