Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Careers that have lost jobs in the recession

College students need to think about careers and job prospects. The list below gives careers that have lost the most positions in the current recession. It does not mean they are bad career choices, just that you need to look at the overall job picture when deciding on a college major or career choice.

Here's a look at the jobs that have lost positions:

1. Architects

2. Carpenters

3. Production and assembly workers

4. Pilots

5. Computer software engineers

6. Mechanical engineer

7. Construction workers

8. Bank tellers

9. Accounting and similar jobs.

It is not a great time to be graduating from college, but maybe the programs are a little less impacted as well. It never hurts to get a college degree, but you need to decide if your major is in demand, or will you do some serious job hunting.


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